We offer several classes on the use of firearms and personal defense. Carl Woodard, Attorney-at-Law (ret) is our legal adviso. Carl brings more than 35 years of experience as a criminal defense lawyer to our classroom. For a complete list of our classes and more details for each, click on "Classes" in the main menu at the top or bottom of the page.
Basics of Pistol Shooting
This is a one day course for individuals with or without experience in shooting a handgun.
Personal Protection in the Home
This is a one day course that meets or exceeds all training requrements to obatain a Michigan Concealed Pistol License (CPL).
Personal Protection Outside the Home
This course delves more deeply into using a handgun for personal protection in a public setting. Divided into two parts (A & B), Part A meets or exceeds all training requirements for a Michigan CPL with a No-Carry Zone Exemption.
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